Friday, January 28, 2011

Tomorrow's Foresight

Here, on January 28th, 2011, in the aftermath of another annual ASHI Inspection World, I sit in quiet contemplation. Part of me is still swimming in an ocean of information, and buzzing with an incessant urge to review my class notes. Another part of me has had enough for one week, and just craves rest.

I am remembering the new inspectors I met here this year, and wanting to extend brief communications to keep fledgling relationships alive. I am pleased to have been able to reconnect with old friends and mentors. And yes, even a bit tender as I reflect on the good men in ASHI, manifested by new scholarships and award programs.

I am still stunned by the quality of great presenters, leaders, and fellow inspectors who came together on a quest for self improvement. And I add into the mix, the remarks from others who, obedient to my request, sent me the flaws they saw in this year's program. I need all. I am grateful for the opportunity to make improvement. This is where we begin to build a better tomorrow.

This quiet contemplation on the facets of my life sets me apart from the animals of the earth, and shows a God-given advantage, if not a superior intellect. This reminiscing on the past, while searching for a better future is the fertile soil from which will spring tomorrow's foresight.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The Winners at Inspection World

The annual home inspector’s conference is in motion. Today, Tuesday the 25th will be the kick-off. At 1:00 pm the vendors will officially open for business. The vendors are here to serve the inspection industry. What is good for home inspectors is good for business, so they are planning product give-aways, informational hand-outs, and one-on-one face time for home inspectors. Of course the vendors are joining ASHI in raffles and free prizes, ranging from flashlights and ipod shuffles to software programs and 200.00 – 500.00 dollar VISA gift cards. Nearly the entire length of the conference, a couple of hours cannot pass without someone being announced as a “winner.”

Just attending Inspection World sets every home inspector apart as a winner. Those relatively few in the home inspection industry who join and support ASHI and it’s programs are nationally respected as the cream of the crop. Narrow that number by those attending Inspection World, and you are now focusing on an impressive cross section of natural leaders from across the country who are dedicated and persistent enough to pay the price to be here. That price is greater for some than for others, but the common denominator is tenacity of purpose. At the end of the day, the experience is always worth the price. Being smart is knowledge; knowledge applied is wisdom; wisdom shared is leadership.

Another winner is ASHI. Every attendee votes with his feet, not only making his preferences known, but determining in a very real way, which organizations will survive the prolonged dips in the economy. Attendance perpetuates an association worth belonging to. Inspection World attendees, by supporting ASHI and the affiliated vendors, are ensuring that the gold standard in the home inspection industry will not only weather the storms, but continue to provide the ongoing training, certification, and cutting edge education which have always set ASHI apart.

Of course, the true winners and ultimate beneficiaries of this herculean effort are the end users, the home inspector’s clients. Buyer’s and sellers of real estate, and those interested in understanding structure, systems, and components are far better served by professionals who take their education seriously. History points out that association with those who live purpose-filled lives, who overcome mediocrity by seeking for greater information, greater skills, and greater connections, will always be an advantage.

Friday, October 29, 2010

RED Flags

I remember a story from my childhood about an acorn falling on the head of a chicken, who then proceeded to inform everyone “the sky is falling.” As a child in the 50’s and 60’s, the thought was mostly fanciful. Nobody I knew in real life had the time or energy to run around contacting everyone about something they didn’t even clearly understand themselves, and it provided great comedic action to follow Chicken Licken, Ducky Lucky, Goosey Loosey and all the rest as they paraded around spreading something, which the reader knew was not accurate.

As we “fast-forward” to the present day, the rapid dissemination of information, accurate or otherwise is no longer a fantasy in a child’s storybook. The internet has provided what I refer to as RED an acronym for rapid electronic dissemination. Simply put, information travels at the speed of light to millions of destinations around the world. RED is responsible for getting the right medical information to the right destination in time to save a life. RED allows students in one corner of the world to learn from a teacher in another. At the other extreme, RED also ensures that any fool looking for his fifteen minutes of fame will find it.

Unfortunately, however, the real dilemma is neither in the clearly valuable or clearly foolish uses of technology. These are easily identified for what they are. The real challenge lies in the sometimes fine line between whole and half truths. Discerning between factual, and partially factual information is becoming more difficult a task than ever before. Adding to the confusion is the tendency by many to pass along misinformation. When we choose to use technology to dispense our differences of opinion, before we clarify the content or verify its source, the results can be messy, and far-reaching.

With the ever increasing numbers of technologically savvy inspectors comes the potential danger of the RED of ideas based on unfounded assumptions. Technology, as always, is a two-edged sword. The take-away here is to always verify information at the source, before sending it on. And if the information isn’t accurate, don’t pass it on.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

ASHI Inspection World 2011

We're so excited about the upcoming ASHI Inspection World 2011, to be held in Atlanta, Georgia in January of 2011.
Our own, Rod Beacham, along with the rest of the ASHI National Education Committee has pulled through once again, and the line-up is fantastic!
We are not at liberty to divulge any information too early, but suffice it to say that the education will be cutting edge! Sadly enough, whoever fails to attend this year's Inspection World will simply fall further behind.
Choosing a good inspector is an important priority for our clients. Maintaining our reputation for excellent inspections is our priority. ASHI Inspection World is "just" one of those "little" tools we at Fidelity Building Inspections, LLC use to help us stay on top.
A word to all you good inspectors planning to attend IW2011, "Fasten your seat belts!"